Josalu Specialist Hospital (JSH) is situated in convenient proximity to mountain patti, GRA in the confluence city, Lokoja. JSH is the first destination for medical tourism in Lokoja, Kogi state, Nigeria. It is a private tertiary health institution interested in world class clinical services, research, education and training. We engage a good network of medical experts and collaborate with other health institutions for effective health care services delivery. You will find a highly motivated team of health workers with top-notch clinical services in various specialties of medicine and surgery. Our strength is in team work and collaborations for effective specialized health care services delivery.
Our Vision
To be the best health care center with sophisticated facility second to none in Kogi state.
Our Belief
We treat, God heals.
Our Mission
To provide affordable high quality and standard health services to every patient in need of first class health care services delivery in a prompt and accurate manner.
Our Core Values
Team Work, Integrity, Transparency, Accountability, Honesty, hardwork, Specialisation, Passion, Morality.